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who's this weirdo?

denpa (電波), also denpa-kei (電波系) or denpa-san (電波さん), is a japanese term for people who may feel disconnected from reality or dissociated from the people around them.

hi, welcome to my little pitstop on the 'net. you can call me denpa. i'm just some 21 year old girl from the internet highway. i'm interested in psychology and anthropology, how they intersect, and am particularly invested in modern culture, especially international internet culture. this means i like learning about the origins of fandom, the development of communities on sites like 4chan/2chan/tumblr/twitter, the rise and fall of social medias how it intersects with real life, so on and so forth. hell, i'm studying it in uni right now. other than that? i like stories of all kinds, especially if they contain some sort of commentary. i like reading random blogs, listening to (and now tinkering with my own) music, thrift shopping, reading books, fiction and non-fiction, and academic journals, dabbling in graphic design, and i guess setting up my neocities blog now. one day, i hope i will have a fulfilling career that can combine my love for the internet, storytelling, and psychology. also, i like hedgehogs, otters and ferrets!

ironically enough, i don't like the internet of today. i had to sit there in silence watching as it grew more and more corporatized, cruel and unforgiving. nowadays, the internet just feels like noise. there are times where i see the internet i've fallen in love with through the cracks, but it seems the spirit of past internet culture is fading away quick. i've actually tried multiple times to set up a blog, but i never really knew what to put on there- plus, i don't actually know how to code. i know the basics through forum-posting, but i don't actually know how to make a site look nice. so i'm just gonna keep it casual. amateur, prose-focused, simple. this new year, i'm just going to go for it. nike it, so to speak.

i don't really know what i want to put on here- i'm sort of a very boring person in real life who enjoys being in my head more than being out in the world, even if i desperately want real, tangible connections. i wryly call myself a walking contradiction- i don't think there's anyone else as contradictory as i am. but i'm trying my best to engage.i guess i'll just put random stuff here. i make silly tunes sometimes, so i might post them here. maybe some writing. poetry or prose or what not. and of course, what niche neocities site would be complete without a self-indulgent diary?