8/2/24. someone whose site i enjoy posted about this digital writing club, right as i was watching a video about how art needs community to flourish. if this isn't a sign from the universe to write, and not only write, but write with like-minded people, then what will be? there is an aching void in my heart that yearns to make things that other people can look at, not for any validation, but simply to be heard and acknowledged. more often than not, though, i hardly am able to think of what to write about. the diary on my page is a stream of conscious, word vomit straight from my mind to expel before it accumulates, but to thoughtfully write, to grasp on the thread of ariadne in a dark, confusing maze, tightly, without letting go- that is what i wish to do again. i'm pleased to make all of your acquaintance, and i hope that we all have fun writing, sharing, and reading!

week 1
week 2
week 3...